Information Overload
Misty Perez
Council member, City of Port Hueneme
The first session of VCLA’s cohort XXVIII was a day full of “information overload”; from learning about fellow cohort members, to group sessions and starting our first group assignment. The drum circle was a nice mental break but still, at the end of a great day, I was exhausted. There are a lot of passionate leaders in this group that I’m looking forward to learning more from and working together to achieve great things.
Given the theme of learning from one another, I asked some of my fellow cohort members what their thoughts here. Here is what they said:
“I was very impressed meeting all our fellow cohort members. Diverse, knowledgeable, dedicated leaders in our community. Yes, drum circle was uncomfortable but a great lesson for us leaders. At first, I felt alone not knowing how to play but once I saw everyone, I realized that we all have very similar challenges at work. As leaders we have to be open to such surprises. Small group sessions were great too.” - Ali Sadreameli
“One of the biggest takeaways for me is acknowledging that it is okay to be vulnerable. Being vulnerable doesn’t make you’re inferior to others - it makes you a well-rounded leader. An impactful leader will have compassion, empathy, benevolence, and respect for others, as well as the wisdom to meet people where they are. It all begins with allowing yourself to be vulnerable in the moment.” - Lia Fortier